I want to share this with you because many of you have supported me in different ways, to meet different goals in my life. I am so thankful that I am surrounded by people like you, who dream with me and cheer for me.
So what’s the goal?
Enchanted Costa Rica! (By sharing this with you, I now feel an accountability and vulnerability…eek!)
As you may or may not know, Close to My Heart offers incentive trips. In 2008, I was able to take my husband on a Mediterranean Cruise by earning the trip with CTMH. We celebrated our 20th anniversary on the ship. It was an amazing adventure both earning the cruise and experiencing the reward.
This year, CTMH is offering an incentive trip to Costa Rica. This is a six night stay in an all inclusive resort AND we will be celebrating our 25th anniversary and the high school graduation of our oldest. (We are thinking about taking the kids!)
And what you also may not know, is that I had the opportunity to spend time in Costa Rica in college. For 8 weeks, Seattle Pacific University sent nursing students for a cross cultural experience. I absolutely fell in love with the people, the land and the experience they shared with us. We lived with families, learned Spanish by immersion, worked with doctors and nurses and in low income childcare. I have great memories from that time in my life.
Now I know that experiencing Costa Rica from a resort will be a completely different but I also have a dream to do more than that. I want to also spend some time giving back to a place and people that were instrumental in a life forming experience for me. I am not sure what that will look like yet but I am allowing God and my dreams to form that piece of the adventure.
I cannot meet this goal without YOU!
The earning period for this trip is October 1st, 2012 – September 30th, 2013.
I earn 1 point for every dollar of commissionable sales.
I earn 500 points for every new consultant I add to my Evergreen Memories Team.
I earn 2500 points when I help a new consultant achieve Straight to the Top within their first 90 days.
I earn 1500 when I attend convention. And I am registered to do this in June 2013.
Because I cannot do this without you, I have an incentive to offer you! Visit the “Michele is going to Costa Rica” tab at the top of my blog where I will share my reward for your help AND keep you posted on my progress!